Hi there! It's been months since my last blog post and I must say how I miss blogging a lot! That's why I'm here again and as much as possible, I'll try my very best to post my daily life here. Lately, I've been very busy with my new job and as of now I'm loving my job and it's surely for keeps. :)
Anyway, here are some photos that I can share with you during my busy days. Hihi!
I had a date recently with my siblings, Mel and Mia. Usually, it's only my sister and I who bond a lot, but I'm glad that my brother joined us to spend some quality siblings time. :))
Well obviously, days will not be complete without this guy right here. And we'll be celebrating our four years next week, and I'm really excited for that!
And of course, will my months be complete without taking great pictures of myself? Hihihi! It's amazing to know that I can still manage to make myself beautiful even when I'm too busy at work. Hope I can now manage my beautiful blog as well! Hihihi! So how is it going girls? Miss you a lot! xoxo, jen