Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2012 Wishlist

New Year's not over yet, so I thought of listing here my wishlist for 2-0-1-2!!!

First up, we got Canon EOS 60D  or any kind or DSLR camera so I can have more professional and gorgeous photos and outfit posts in the future!!! This is really my number ONE wishlist for this year! :)

Next, a new pair of cute Nerd Eyeglasses! I might buy one on payday! Yipee!

Next on my wishlist is a pair of Boots. Honestly, I dunno why I'm in love with this, but I guess boots will look great on me. Fingers crossed!

I'm so craving for this one now! The last time I ate this was way back in 2009 and I dunno if it's still available here in the Philippines. :( 

I want to have pale pink lipstick from The Face Shop  . I just don't know if this is the right shade, but I'll definitely buy one on payday! :D

So far, these are my wishlist for this year! I would be glad if you're willing to give me one of these. Hee hee! Will just keep you posted on my other wishlists soon! xo. jen


  1. I would love to get that camera one day, but for now my little Rebel t2i will have to do.

  2. Wow, lucky you still have a good camera. The only camera I use for now is a GE E1040 and my ever-loving phone.. Hee hee! How I wish to have a professional camera one day.. ;">

  3. love that nerd glasses!!
    great choice!

  4. thanks anna! i'll definitely buy one this weekend! ;)
